41 Places to Help You Find a Teaching Job

It's that time of year when students are graduating college and school districts are eliminating positions for next year. I am once again posting my comprehensive list of resources for teachers looking for a job. ( I work in N.J. so there are many links specific to our state)  Good luck!

Job Interview Tips
Anatomy of a Job Interview

Job Interview Questions- covers interview questions, interview guide, after the interview, salary negotiation, second interview

Job Search
10 Things Job Applicants Should Know- from the NY Times

Career Builder- search for all types of jobs on this site

Indeed- one search, all jobs

Jobs 4 Teacher- search by city, state or zip code

K12 Jobs.com- site says they have served a million teachers and administrators in a year.......

K12 Jobspot- search by job title and state; when you pick a city it shows you how many positions from the drop-down menu; also shows the location on a map.

NJ Hire- search by job type, location or keywords

NJ.com- postings are constantly being updated

NJ School Directory- all school web sites are listed by county; check employment opportunities on each site.

NJ School Jobs- search by county, specialty, school or date

Peterson's Private School Search- covers The United States and countries

Resources for Teaching Jobs- only ten states are listed here

Teacher Jobs- join for free; search the United States for a job.

Teachers-Teachers.com- site says it lists jobs for 1775 districts and they are in partnership with the NEA.

Resumes and Cover Letters
The 25 Most Creative Designer Resumes You'll See This Year

38 More Beautiful Resume Ideas That Work
- from JobMob

Cover Letters- from Career Lab

Create a Free Teacher Portfolio

Got Resume Builder- build your resume online; download as a pdf, Word doc or text file

JobMob- 36 beautiful resume ideas

Resume Help- site has examples resumes

A Resume in Prezi

Resume Tips and Advice- from Monster.com

Sample CV for Education Counselor- from CV Tips

Teacher Resume- from Microsoft online; you need MS Word to use this template

Teacher Resume- from Monster Worldwide, Inc.

41 Places to Help You Find a Teaching Job 41 Places to Help You Find a Teaching Job Reviewed by Hardeyjumoh on May 15, 2014 Rating: 5

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