UPDATED: Need a Teaching Job? Here's a Megalist of Resources!

Wow. Another school year is coming to a close It's that time when students are graduating college and school districts are eliminating positions for next year. I am once again posting my comprehensive list of resources for teachers looking for a job. Special listing also for school librarians/media specialists. Over 79 links (33 in the job search category!!) to 100's of resources! Good luck!

updated 5/2/16

Job Interview Questions- covers interview questions, interview guide, after the interview, salary negotiation, second interview

10 Things Job Applicants Should Know- from the NY Times

2016 Best Private High Schools in New Jersey

The Association of Boarding Schools- search by keyword, job type, calendar year, salary and location

Association of Delaware Valley Independent Schools (ADVIS)- 

Association of Independent Schools in New England (AISNE)- search by school or location

Career Builder- search for all types of jobs on this site

Christian School Employment- K-12 Christian teaching jobs

Connecticut Association of Independent Schools (CAIS) -click on a school to see their openings

Indeed- one search, all jobs

Jobs 4 Teacher- search by city, state or zip code

K12 Jobs.com- site says they have served a million teachers and administrators in a year.......

K12 Jobspot- search by job title and state; when you pick a city it shows you how many positions from the drop-down menu; also shows the location on a map.


The 9 Best Places to Teach Overseas

New Jersey Association of Independent Schools (NJAIS)

NJ Hire- search by job type, location or keywords

NJ.com- postings are constantly being updated

NJ School Directory- all school web sites are listed by county; check employment opportunities on each site.

NJ School Jobs- search by county, specialty, school or date

New York State Association of Independent Schools- sort by position, city

Pennsylvania Association of Independent Schools 

Peterson's Private School Search- covers The United States and countries

Private School Job Banks- from the Council for American Private Education (CAPE)

Resources for Teaching Jobs- only ten states are listed here

SchoolSpring- over 86,000 jobs listed; choose location, category, grade, job type

Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS)- search for jobs or check other job banks

Teachaway- find jobs in places from Abu Dhabi to Beijing

Teacher Jobs- join for free; search the United States for a job.

Teachers-Teachers.com- site says it lists jobs for 1775 districts and they are in partnership with the NEA.

TESGlobal- from nursery to higher education, search education jobs from all over the world!

Virginia Association of Independent Schools (VAIS)- 

Why Las Vegas is Desperate to Hire Thousands of Teachers- article from HuffPost Politics

American Association of School Librarians (AASL)- state-by-state information

How to Become an International School Librarian


K-12 Media Specialist/Librarian Jobs- from Education Week

SchoolSpring- search by full/part time, location

USREAP- library media specialist job search

The 25 Most Creative Designer Resumes You'll See This Year

38 More Beautiful Resume Ideas That Work
- from JobMob

Cover Letters- from Career Lab

You can ignore the sales pitch---there is a lot of valuable information: 

Create a Free Teacher Portfolio

Got Resume Builder- build your resume online; download as a PDF, Word doc or text file

How to Write a Resume- from Open Colleges

JobMob- 36 beautiful resume ideas

Resume Help- site has examples resumes

A Resume in Prezi

Resume Tips and Advice- from Monster.com

Sample CV for Education Counselor- from CV Tips

Teacher Resume- from Microsoft online; you need MS Word to use this template

Teacher Resume- from Monster Worldwide, Inc.

Teacher Resume Template

VisualCV- free Internet-based resume

Your Cover Letter Information Center

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UPDATED: Need a Teaching Job? Here's a Megalist of Resources! UPDATED: Need a Teaching Job? Here's a Megalist of Resources! Reviewed by Hardeyjumoh on May 02, 2016 Rating: 5

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