37 Links to Summer Professional Development Opportunities

There are so many educational opportunities for teachers during the summer months. Some can be offered for free, and other charge fees. I'm going to mix it up a bit, because I know there are school districts which will reimburse their teachers if there is a fee. In my case, I'm on my own if I decide to pay for any workshops or classes this summer. NOTE: Some events could not be listed because the date to apply has already passed.


ALA Las Vegas- American Association of School Librarians schedule HERE

EasyBib Professional Development- on demand and free

Summer Getaway Professional Development Workshops- for school librarians from the Graduate School for Library and Information Science at the iSchool at Illinois. The flyer can be downloaded HERE.

On Common Core 2014: Professional Development for School Librarians- instructional webcasts from School Library Journal

Summer Institute 2014- South Carolina Association of School Librarians

Annenberg Learner- view videos in these subject areas: arts, foreign language, literature and language arts, math, science, social studies and history

Annenberg-Newseum Summer Teacher Institute- three-day institute in Washington, DC for teachers using new media; application deadline is May 26, 2014.

Coursera-  verified certificates for certain courses

edCamp- list of all edCamp schedules (it's worldwide!)

EdmodoCon- 11-hour virtual event

Free Professional Learning Through ASCD's Professional Development Tools- includes webinars, virtual learning, book study guides

Google Teacher Academy- this summer: Atlanta, GA, Mountainview, CA and The Phillipines

Hidden Histories: Free Summer Professional Development and Lodging for Teachers-  for North Carolina K-12 teachers

NEA Member Benefits: Professional Development

NJEA Professional Learning

NSTA Learning Center- science teachers can find workshops in New Mexico, Texas

Smithsonian Educator Workshops- includes the Mobile Learning Institute

Summer Professional Development Blog Series- Edutopia's list of virtual workshops, tools and resources and their Summer Rejuvination Guide

YALSA Academy- Young Adult Library Services Association's online educational video initiative

2014 Civics and Civil Rights Institute- Washington, DC 

2014 Summer Institute- Learning Forward's four-day event in Chicago

American Studies Summer InstituteDefining "Public" and "Private" in America: Cultural, Social and Political Arguments Past and Present (Washington, DC)

Annenberg Learner- full courses for graduate education credit, courses for continuing education units and certificates (Through Colorado State University); facilitated or self-paced courses through PBS TeacherLine

The Art of Education Conference- online conference for art teachers

Colonial Williamsburg Teacher Institute- covers teachers of grades K-12

The Conference Calendar- lists conferences for all types of educators

Hybrid Institutes for Grades 3-8 Educators- in conjunction with Framingham State University and Cambridge College

ISTE 2014 Atlanta- The International Society of Technology in Education

Kansas Summer Institute for School Librarians- open to in and out-of-state teachers

Learning and the Brain- "Connecting educators to neuroscientists and researchers."

Massachusetts Teachers Association Summer Conference

Millard Oakley STEM Center- for Tennessee teachers

NJEA Summer Learning Opportunities

Richard Byrne's In-Person PD Opportunity- Maine

Summer PD Opportunities- Mathematics, Science, Language Arts and Social Studies teachers from Ohio

Summervision DC- sponsored by the National Art Education Association

Teaching the Holocaust at the Middle School Level-  at the University of New Hamshire

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37 Links to Summer Professional Development Opportunities 37 Links to Summer Professional Development Opportunities Reviewed by Hardeyjumoh on May 19, 2014 Rating: 5

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