Our students today have so many great resources at their hands: apps, websites, online templates. When it comes to writing, teachers are able to tap into these resources to get students more interested in the prospect of having to do schoolwork. Below are the links to those resources. This post will be added to the Language Arts page on the left of my blog.
25 Creative Writing Prompts- from Writing Forward
698 Free Worksheets- each sheet is marked as PR, IN, ADV for your grade level; ESL teachers can use these as well
The Best Places to Read and Write "Choose Your Own Adventure" Stories- terrific listing from Larry Ferlazzo
Boomwriter- Sections include StoryWriter, ProjectWriter, and WordWriter
Classroom Writing Ideas- Pinterest board covers writing and picture prompts, worksheets for younger students
Creative Writing Worksheets- for younger grades
Collaborize Classroom- free collaborative education forum
Creative Writing Ideas/Lesson Plans- Pinterest board
Creative Writing Lesson Plans- @Web English Teacher
Creative Writing Lesson Plans- from Scholastic; K-12 covered
Creative Writing Teacher Resources- from Teachervision; by grade level
Developing a Fictional Narrative- from Education World
ESL Creative Writing Prompts- nice listing
Fakebook- students set up a fake Facebook page
Lino- free sticky and canvas service; works on computer, Android and iPad/iPhone
PicLit- creative writing prompts
Picture This! Building Photo-Based Writing Skills- lesson from the NY Times Learning Network
Quill- many interactive writing lessons with quizzes already made for the teacher; includes Quill Proofreader, Quill Grammar, and Quill Writer.
ReadWriteThink- lesson plans for English-Language Learners for K-12
Skills Practice:Writing Effective Openings- from the NY Times
TeAchnology Writing Lesson Plans
Visual Writing Prompts- sections for grades 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12
25 Creative Writing Prompts- from Writing Forward
698 Free Worksheets- each sheet is marked as PR, IN, ADV for your grade level; ESL teachers can use these as well
The Best Places to Read and Write "Choose Your Own Adventure" Stories- terrific listing from Larry Ferlazzo
Boomwriter- Sections include StoryWriter, ProjectWriter, and WordWriter
Classroom Writing Ideas- Pinterest board covers writing and picture prompts, worksheets for younger students
Creative Writing Worksheets- for younger grades
Collaborize Classroom- free collaborative education forum
Creative Writing Ideas/Lesson Plans- Pinterest board
Creative Writing Lesson Plans- @Web English Teacher
Creative Writing Lesson Plans- from Scholastic; K-12 covered
Creative Writing Teacher Resources- from Teachervision; by grade level
Developing a Fictional Narrative- from Education World
ESL Creative Writing Prompts- nice listing
Fakebook- students set up a fake Facebook page
Lino- free sticky and canvas service; works on computer, Android and iPad/iPhone
PicLit- creative writing prompts
Picture This! Building Photo-Based Writing Skills- lesson from the NY Times Learning Network
Quill- many interactive writing lessons with quizzes already made for the teacher; includes Quill Proofreader, Quill Grammar, and Quill Writer.
ReadWriteThink- lesson plans for English-Language Learners for K-12
Skills Practice:Writing Effective Openings- from the NY Times
TeAchnology Writing Lesson Plans
Visual Writing Prompts- sections for grades 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12
22 Sites for Creative Writing in the Classroom
Reviewed by Hardeyjumoh
January 21, 2016

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