Your Huge Holiday Listing is.....

..located on the right side of this blog! From September to June, this awesome listing includes loads of resources, lesson plans,  and worksheets.
Just look for this image and then bookmark the page!
Here's what's coming up in February:


20 Great Websites to E-Learn About Black History

47 English and Social Studies Guides for Black History Month- from Shmoop

African Voices- Africans talk about their lives and cultures; EXCELLENT SITE from the Smithsonian Institution.

African-American History Month- site hosted by the Library of Congress, there is a section for teachers

The African-American Mosaic- from the Library of Congress

African-American Scavenger Hunt- grades 7-8

The African-American Migration Experience- contains 8,300 images, 17,000 pages of texts and over 60 maps; this site is hosted by the New York Public Library.

African-American World-from PBS, this site has highlights such as the Kids section (with games and e-cards), and the Brainteaser Quizzes. There are related lessons plans for grades three through twelve.

Black Baseball-from Sports Illustrated, this site has a timeline from 1861-1947, when Jackie Robinson won the Rookie of the Year award.

Black History- from; videos and photos

Black History Month Rap- lesson plan for students to create their own rap song; grades 3-12

Books on Black History Month- paperback or Kindle edition; over 5,000 listed

BrainPOP Spotlight: Black History Month- for grade 4 and up; lesson plans, quiz

Culture and Change:Black History in America- Scholastic's site has a timeline, jazz audio clips, and information on famous African Americans.

Enchanted Learning-find out information on African-American women in history, biographies on African-Americans, African-American inventors and inventions and many printable worksheets.

Encyclopedia Britannica's Guide to Black History Month- timeline, articles, biographies, images and videos

Fact Monster- biography, timeline, quotes from Martin Luther King Jr.

The History Channel-you will find African-American icons, great speeches, maps, video clips and more on this site.

Infoplease- loads of information here, including history and timelines, contemporary issues, special features, holidays, education, awards and quizzes and crosswords.

The King Center- established in 1968, the center was named for Martin Luther King Jr., a leader in the largest nonviolent movement in American history.

A Legacy of Black Talent- from CNN Interactive; honors a different person each day of the month

Lesson Plans Page Black History Month- lesson plans cover grades 4-12

MLK Online- this site is all about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., from his biography, to multimedia clips of his speeches.

Reading Rockets- Black children's authors, activities, events and much more here

Snag Films- documentaries

TeachersFirst's Resources for Black History- currently 58 lessons by grade level listed

TIME for Kids

GROUNDHOG DAY (February 2)
Crafts, Worksheets and Printable Books- from Enchanted Learning

DLTK's Crafts for Kids- lots of handouts for younger kids

Groundhog Day Activities- Pinterest board has a lot to choose from, including handouts, worksheets, posters, games, crafts

Groundhog Day Activities and Games- from Apples4theTeacher; nice listing

Groundhog Day Activities, Lesson Plans, Activities and Teaching Resources- from a to Z Teacher Stuff

Groundhog Day for the Classroom- NEA has a long list containing lesson plans, games, activities, resources

Groundhog Day Lesson Plans and Resources- from Edutopia

Groundhog Day Teacher Resources- TeacherVision's site has videos, printables, quizzes Yes, there is a site just about Groundhog Day! The activities here are for elementary school teachers, and include a groundhog newsletter and club.

ReadWriteThink- great lesson for grades K-6; includes links to other related sites and lessons for specific grades

The Teachers Corner- lots here: worksheets, resources, activities

Will He See His Shadow? Groundhog Day Activities- from Scholastic

VALENTINE'S DAY (February 14)

Abraham Lincoln Videos- from

Abraham Lincoln: Learning Games and Activities For Kids

Abraham Lincoln's Crossroads- interact with Lincoln

Activities, Worksheets and Crafts For Presidents' Day
- from Enchanted Learning

American Presidents- life portraits

Biography: Abraham Lincoln- full episode from

The Cherry Tree- from Apples4theTeacher; story about Washington and the cherry tree


Educational Videos on Presidents' Day- from WatchKnowLearn


George Washington- has videos, photos

George Washington Interactive- from the Smithsonian

George Washington PowerPoint Presentations

Happy Birthday Mr. President- online story for young children

Inside the White House- from National Geographic

A Kid's Heart-puzzles and games are here

Abraham Lincoln: The Life of a Legend
Your Huge Holiday Listing is..... Your Huge Holiday Listing is..... Reviewed by Hardeyjumoh on January 28, 2016 Rating: 5

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