Caucuses: 15 Resources, Lesson Plans and Videos

Just last night, the 2016 Iowa Caucus took place. This is the first step of many in the election process and the road to the presidency. Do your students understand what a caucus is? I'm sure you will find something below to use in your classroom.

How Do Caucuses Work?

How the Iowa Caucuses Work: A Confusing Election Process Explained

Iowa Caucus Results: 6 Things That Explain How it All Happened- from NPR

Caucus 101: Official Iowa Caucus Education Curriculum

Election 2016: Understanding Primaries and Caucuses- from NY Time Learning Network

How a President Gets Elected- Teachervision

Lesson Idea: Primaries and Caucuses- from C-Span; includes printable worksheet

Lessons for Teaching About the Presidential Primaries- Education World

Primaries and Caucuses- lessons from Brain Pop

What are Primaries and Caucuses?- from PBS News Hour

Getting the Nomination- video from PBS Learning Media

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Caucuses: 15 Resources, Lesson Plans and Videos Caucuses: 15 Resources, Lesson Plans and Videos Reviewed by Hardeyjumoh on February 02, 2016 Rating: 5

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