Since we are all on different schedules for the school year, some of you have already passed the 100th day. My district will hit that number this coming week. You can always bookmark this link so you can return next year....
10 Read Alouds for the 100th Day of School
75 Clever Ideas for 100 Days of School- art projects
100 Days of School Activities and Ideas- from the Busy Teacher's Cafe
100 Snowballs- interactive from ABCya!
100 Ways to Celebrate the 100th Day of School With The Times
100th Day- lessons, printables, worksheets from A to Z Teacher Stuff
100th Day of School Activities- from K-5 Math Teaching Resources
100th Day of School Activities- from Enchanted Learning
100th Day of School Freebie Printables
100th Day of School Ideas for Kindergarten
100th Day of School Images- Google Search
100th Day of School Free Writing Activity- 2 printables: If I Had One Hundred Dollars, If I Were 100 Years Old
100th Day of School Poems
100th Day of School Printables- Google Search
100th Day of School Worksheets- from Super Teacher Worksheets
100 Days of School Color- printables
Celebrate the 100th Day of School- from Scholastic's Teach Now
Descriptive Writing and the 100th Day of School- from ReadWriteThink
Gamequarium's 100th Day of School Activities
Hundredth Day of School- Starfall's counting interactive
In Honor of the 100th Day of School- crossword puzzle from the NY Time Learning Network; answers are HERE.
Jan Brett Printable
Joan Holub's The 100th Day of School- 300 Celebration Ideas for Educators
Mathwire's 100th Day of School Lessons
Montessori-Inspired 100th Day of School Activities
Oriental Trading- items to purchase for 100th day of school
Really Good Stuff- items to purchase for your classroom
Follow me on RebelMouse or Twitter, Like me on Facebook or Subscribe to this blog.
10 Read Alouds for the 100th Day of School
75 Clever Ideas for 100 Days of School- art projects
100 Days of School Activities and Ideas- from the Busy Teacher's Cafe
100 Snowballs- interactive from ABCya!
100 Ways to Celebrate the 100th Day of School With The Times
100th Day- lessons, printables, worksheets from A to Z Teacher Stuff
100th Day of School Activities- from K-5 Math Teaching Resources
100th Day of School Activities- from Enchanted Learning
100th Day of School Freebie Printables
100th Day of School Ideas for Kindergarten
100th Day of School Images- Google Search
100th Day of School Free Writing Activity- 2 printables: If I Had One Hundred Dollars, If I Were 100 Years Old
100th Day of School Poems
100th Day of School Printables- Google Search
100th Day of School Worksheets- from Super Teacher Worksheets
100 Days of School Color- printables
Celebrate the 100th Day of School- from Scholastic's Teach Now
Descriptive Writing and the 100th Day of School- from ReadWriteThink
Gamequarium's 100th Day of School Activities
Hundredth Day of School- Starfall's counting interactive
In Honor of the 100th Day of School- crossword puzzle from the NY Time Learning Network; answers are HERE.
Jan Brett Printable
Joan Holub's The 100th Day of School- 300 Celebration Ideas for Educators
Mathwire's 100th Day of School Lessons
Montessori-Inspired 100th Day of School Activities
Oriental Trading- items to purchase for 100th day of school
Really Good Stuff- items to purchase for your classroom
Follow me on RebelMouse or Twitter, Like me on Facebook or Subscribe to this blog.
The 100th Day of School! Hundreds of Resources Packed into 32 Sites!
Reviewed by Hardeyjumoh
February 07, 2015

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