Real or Make-Believe: Prelude to Fiction and Nonfiction for Kindergartners

So I am now into my third month teaching kindergarten classes on Monday morning, and we have been talking about stories that are real and make-believe. By the time we get to January, I will introduce the kiddies to fiction and nonfiction, but for this coming week, I have an online interactive and a coloring sheet which talk about real vs. make-believe stories. This list will be added to the Teacher-Librarians page on my blog. Are you an elementary school teacher-librarian? If you have any ideas to share, please comment below.

Fact or Make-Believe Worksheet- must log into you free account

Real and Make-Believe- PowerPoint presentation

Real or Make-Believe- PowerPoint presentation

Real or Make-Believe Lesson- from Family Education

Dinosaurs: Real or Make-Believe-

Real of Make Believe?- from Scholastic; needs Flash to run

Tina's World: Real or Make-Believe

Real or Make-Believe: Prelude to Fiction and Nonfiction for Kindergartners Real or Make-Believe: Prelude to Fiction and Nonfiction for Kindergartners Reviewed by Hardeyjumoh on November 05, 2014 Rating: 5

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