The MEGALIST of Natural Disasters

Photo taken before Hurricane Sandy. ©J.Greller

We are witnessing a lot of extreme weather lately which seems to be the product of global warming. Students need to understand the difference between hurricanes, typhoons and tornadoes, as well as why they all occur in the first place. Hopefully I have covered all the resources necessary below...

Active Weather Alerts- from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

American Meteorological Society

Build Your Own Weather Station- Discovery Education lesson plan

Commuter Forecast- just enter destination

Discovery Education Lesson Plans

EdHeads: Weather Activities

Hands-On Science and Literacy Lessons About Weather and Climate- grades K-5

How's the Weather Today?- National Geographic Education

Inside the Climatologist's Toolbox

Interactive Weather Maker

Interactives on the Weather- from Annenberg Learner

Introduction to Weather Map Symbols and Terminology

Kid Info- weather facts and weather resources

Lesson Plan Central- weather lessons

National and Local Weather-

Preschool Education Theme: Weather

Preschool Weather Arts and Crafts

The Science Spot- weather lesson plans

Stop Disasters!- disaster simulation game

Tree House Weather Kids- Interactive site is also available in Spanish

Weather Activities and Smartboard Activities- very good site with a weather game, research section and so much more

Weather Lesson Plans- from TeAchnology

Weather Lesson Plans, Themes, Printouts, Crafts- The Teacher's Guide

Weather Map- shows U.S. weather map and some streaming video from weather cams

Weather Printables, Lesson Plans, Resources- from TeacherVision; covers grades K-12

Weather Scope: Make a Weather Station

Web Weather for  Kids


Great California Shakeout Day- world's largest earthquake drill; warnings about "The Big One"
May 24, 2013- 5.7 largest to hit since 2008
October 19 Earthquake- Gulf of California affected



A to Z Teacher Stuff- small list of lessons about hurricanes

Apps for Tracking Hurricanes- nice listing of apps available in the iTunes store; most $$, some free

Best Books for teaching About Hurricanes- from Education World

BrainPop- video on hurricanes (younger kids)

Editors' Choices from Education World- best books to teach about hurricanes

FEMA Site- steps to prepare for a hurricane; kids site here.

How Hurricanes Work- from How Stuff Works; includes quiz, video

How Names are Chosen- includes listing of names to 2017

Hurricane Digital Memory Bank- "Launched in 2005, the Hurricane Digital Memory Bank uses electronic media to collect, preserve, and present the stories and digital record of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita." 

Hurricane Facts and Figures- from the St. Petersburg Times; includes hurricane gallery 

Hurricane Hunters Association
Hurricane Tracker- from

Hurricane Tracking Activity- from Enchanted Learning

Hurricanes Videos- WatchKnowLearn; filter by grade level

Hurricane Watch: Lessons and Activities- from Education World

Hurricanes- page includes graphs, maps

Facts, Damage and Aftermath- from LiveScience article and videos on the 2005 hurricane



Fast Facts- from CNN

Lessons From the Storm- from TIME magazine

Best Books for Teaching about Tornadoes- Education World

How Do Tornadoes Form?- TED lesson with video below

Tornado Safety- Red Cross

Tornadoes Fact Sheet-from FEMA

Tornadoes!-lesson plan for grades 4-5

How Tsunamis Work- TED lesson and video

Tsunami Activities and Lesson Plans- from Teacher Planet

Tsunami Discussion Guide- grades K-2; from Teachervision

Tsunami Lesson Plan- grades 6-8; from Discovery Education

Tsunami Lesson Plans- from TeAchnology

Tsunami Resources for Teachers- from NOAA

The MEGALIST of Natural Disasters The MEGALIST of Natural Disasters Reviewed by Hardeyjumoh on September 19, 2017 Rating: 5

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