Textbook S'Mores: A Delectably Different Kind of Post

As I was looking for books to order for our library, I came across a cookbook ( Nerdy Nummies Cookbook, by Rosanna Pansino) which featured books which were made out of graham crackers. They looked so awesome that I decided to see what else was offered in the book. The table of contents (on Amazon, you are allowed to look inside) told me that the chapters was based school subject areas, as seen below:

Under the chapter, "Geeky Treats", there is a recipe for Textbook S'Mores. This book gives you all the information you'll need to follow the recipes, including all the supplies you need to have on hand and a conversion chart. So if you'd like to try this recipe out before buying the book, (you really should buy it!) here's a video of the the author Rosanna Pansino making Textbook S'Mores. Enjoy!

You can find a host of video tutorials from Rosanna and her book, Nerdy Nummies Cookbook HERE on youtube.

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Textbook S'Mores: A Delectably Different Kind of Post Textbook S'Mores: A Delectably Different Kind of Post Reviewed by Hardeyjumoh on November 17, 2015 Rating: 5

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