Understanding the Severity of a Blizzard: 26 Chilly Resources

One year ago, I posted 32 general sites about the weather, including lesson plans, printouts and videos. This morning in my kindergarten classes, we talked about the impending snowstorm, and it was obvious that the kids had no idea what was ahead. Currently a blizzard is on its way towards the northeast part of the country, (I am looking at 2 feet of snow in the next 24 hours...) I wanted to provide adequate resources to explain how this differs from just a snowstorm.

PHOTO AT THE LEFT: Romeo looks out at the snowfall in 2013.
© J.Greller

11 Facts About Blizzards

12 Historic Photos of the World's Most Formidable Snowstorms- from The Week

Blizzard- earth facts and information

Blizzard Lesson- includes printables

Blizzard Sentence Examples- use "blizzard" in a sentence

Blizzard Slams of the Northeast- NY Times slide show

Blizzards: Winter's Perfect Storm- photo essays

Blizzards and Snow Themed Page- from Teacher Planet

Build a Kit- get ready for an emergency

Disaster Preparedness Coloring Book- winter storms is on pages 19, 20

Pictures of Blizzards- from Google image search

Science of a Blizzard- from History.com

Snow and Blizzards-  Q and A from Scholastic

Snow Facts for Kids

Top 10 Big, Bad Blizzards- slide show from TIME

Weather: Adjectives Worksheet for Snow

Winter Storms- from WeatherWizKids

Winter Word Search Puzzle

Understanding the Severity of a Blizzard: 26 Chilly Resources Understanding the Severity of a Blizzard: 26 Chilly Resources Reviewed by Hardeyjumoh on January 26, 2015 Rating: 5

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