Searching Family History: 32 Genealogy Resources

So it all started when a colleague had his students create their own coat of arms, and then they got involved in their family trees for a display outside the library. One thing lead to another, and I decided to post resources for genealogy, the "study of tracing of lines of descent or development." (Google dictionary) It's a fascinating process.

Coats of Arms
All Family Crests- choose a to Z
All Family of Crests- view for free; $$ for other stuff
Make Your Coat of Arms- choose shield, personalize it 15 free printable crests
ProGenealogists- coats of arms, family crests and surname origins.
Search Family Tree
African-American Genealogy "the world’s largest online resource for family history documents and family trees"
Archives-launched in July 2009, cost is $39.95 per year
A Barrel of Genealogy Links-this site is recommended by the History Channel
Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet- very extensive listing

Ellis Island- search passenger records search Chicano, Hispanic, Mexican-American genealogy

Family and Genealogy 2.0 Websites- social networking

Genealogy Classes- from

Genealogy Spot- many resources and assistance is here

Genealogy Terms- from

RootsWeb- oldest and largest free resource on the net
The USGenProject- "The USGenWeb Project consists of a group of volunteers working together to provide Internet websites for genealogical research in every county and every state of the United States."

USGenWeb Kidz- How-to-Do Genealogy
Surname History learn about the family history of your surname

Ancestory's Videos- YouTube channel

Ancestor Search-Surname origin and meaning

Behind the Name-etymology and history of surnames List of over 125,000 surnames

Internet Surname Database- 49, 352 last names
Surname Finder- over 1 million surnames listed
Searching Family History: 32 Genealogy Resources Searching Family History: 32 Genealogy Resources Reviewed by Hardeyjumoh on January 29, 2015 Rating: 5

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