You Can Now Export Your Citations From EBSCO to EasyBib!

If your school is fortunate enough to have access the EBSCO databases, students can now export their citations directly into EasyBib. Schools with an EasyBib Pro account have the ability to save their bibliographies and come back at another date to finish their work. The following tutorial is based on a school with EBSCO and an EasyBib Pro account. (For a pro account, make sure you or your student is logged into EasyBib BEFORE the steps below.) The bibliography we are making is based on MLA format. If you want another format, you must tell EBSCO under "preferences".

1. Log into your school account

2. Choose which database you wish to use

3. After you search for a specific topic and choose an article,
your screen should look like this one. Choose EXPORT
from the right side of the screen.

4. You will then see the EXPORT MANAGER. Choose DIRECT EXPORT TO EASYBIB.

5. You will be brought to EasyBib and see this screen above. Arrows indicate what you should pick.

6. Presto! Your bibliographic entry is listed.

Problems? Your EBSCO account might not have the export manager activated. Call EBSCO's customer service for help.

You Can Now Export Your Citations From EBSCO to EasyBib! You Can Now Export Your Citations From EBSCO to EasyBib! Reviewed by Hardeyjumoh on December 19, 2014 Rating: 5

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