It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas...

I know we are close to the holiday break, but if you were looking for any resources, I'm sure you're aware of the giant listing of all holidays I have on the the right side of the blog. This list has many new sites added, and I update What a Listing of Holidays on a regular basis. Happy Holidays!!

10 Christmas Science Activities

A to Z Teacher Stuff- sort resources by age level

Christmas Around the World- long list of countries

Christmas K-3 Theme Page- from Enchanted Learning

Christmas Teacher Resources- from TeacherVision

Christmas Webquest- for younger children

Christmas Worksheets and Printables- from

Easy Christmas Crafts- from DLTK

K-12 Teacher Resources- nice listing includes lesson plans, worksheets, interactive online activities

Puzzles and Word Searches

Super Teacher Worksheets- includes puzzles and Christmas math worksheets

Teacher's Guide to Christmas Holidays- from TeAchnology

Teacher Planet-lessons, worksheets, clip art

The Teacher's Corner-how Christmas is celebrated around the world

Winter Holidays Around the World- from the Lesson Plans page
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas... It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas... Reviewed by Hardeyjumoh on December 16, 2014 Rating: 5

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