Celebrating Kwanzaa: 17 Helpful Resources

The African-American holiday Kwanzaa is celebrated from December 26th -January 1st.  Created in 1965 by Maulana Karenga, it is a celebration of family and culture. The word "Kwanzaa" means "fruits of the harvest."

The African American Holiday Kwanzaa- from the Orange County Register

Apples 4 the Teacher- coloring pages

Class Brain-coloring pages

Kids' Domain- coloring pages

Kwanzaa Celebrations Across the Country- slideshow from the Washington Post

Kwanzaa Free Worksheets- Google search

Kwanzaa Lesson- from EL Civics (ESL)

Kwanzaa Lesson Plans- from TeAchnology

Kwanzaa Videos- from WatchKnowLearn

Teachers First- planning materials, fun, games

Teacher Planet- lessons, worksheets

What is Kwanzaa? - from Scholastic

Celebrating Kwanzaa: 17 Helpful Resources Celebrating Kwanzaa: 17 Helpful Resources Reviewed by Hardeyjumoh on December 11, 2014 Rating: 5

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